Get more replies

Scale Visual Personalization
for Cold Emails & LinkedIn

Use your current outreach-automation tool and add personalized images & landing pages to get more replies, meetings, webinar sign-ups at scale

Use your favourite Outreach Tool with PandaHook

Use your favourite Outreach Tool with PandaHook


From Cold Outreach to Cool Experience

Add Visual Personalization & Landing Pages to your existing campaigns in minutes.


Use your current Outreach Tool

Works beautifully with your favourite Automation Tool

PandaHook works seamlessly with all popular outreach tools. Add visual personalization to your existing campaigns in minutes. 


Add Personalized Images & Animations

A Custom Image or Animation for each Prospect

Automatically add any screenshot, custom text, or company logos onto images in your automated Email and LinkedIn campaigns.

Sign Ups & Bookings on Personalized Landing Pages

A Hyper-Personalized Landing Page for each Prospect

Pick a landing page that automatically gets personalized for each prospect. Without writing a single line of code everyone will get a custom experience.


Used by Outreach Experts around the Globe

"PandaHook is my new cold outeach superpower. At first I thought it would only work well on Email...but actually LinkedIn did even work better for me."
Sara Wester
Head of Growth, User
"It’s surprisingly easy to send personalized images, super easy to use with my HubSpot sequences. We booked more meetings using PandaHook compared to our text based outreach before - all while keeping our tools, our lead data and sequences in the same tool. Basically we had no switching cost because we didn't even have to switch."
Sundar Jenkins
SDR Lead, HubSpot User
"We’ve seen meeting bookings of over 53%, just by landing our cold prospects on super personalized landing pages with PandaHook. We’re now able to personalize our outreach efforts on scale with less personalization research effort, which is a win for everyone on our outbound team."
Mark Maran
Agency Owner, Mailshake User

5 simple Steps to master
Personalization at Scale

The Growth Hack for
Email & LinkedIn Automation

When it comes to personalizing LinkedIn & EMail outreach – most people stop at First Name and Last Name. This approach is overdone. If you want to stand out, you can add personalized images and animations to built rapport & send them to a hyper-personalized landing page.


+ 0 %
Sales Meetings Booked

Start rockin' your Cold Outreach

PandaHook is the only platform that is designed to make Visual Personalization easy to use in your existing outreach tool. 


Send your first hyper-personalized outreach campaigns
$ 99 Monthly per Account
  • 1.000 Customized Images or Animations
  • 1.000 Customized Landing Pages
  • Magic List Clean
  • Works with every outreach tool


Stand out & drive revenue through Visual Personalization
$ 199 Monthly per Account
  • 2.500 Customized Images or Animations
  • 2.500 Customized Landing Pages
  • Magic List Clean
  • Works with every outreach tool


Scale high performing outreach with Visual Personalization
$ 299 Monthly per Account
  • 10.000 Customized Images or Animations
  • 10.000 Customized Landing Pages
  • Magic List Clean
  • Works with every outreach tool


  • >10.000 Customized Images or Animations
  • >10.000 Customized Landing Pages

Packed full of Visual Personalization Features

Yes, all of these features are included in PandaHook

Send personalized
images & Gifs

Built rapport people retain an order of magnitude more information via image & animations than text only.

Add personalized
text on images

Add the prospect’s name, company, job title or any other text to an image to grab attention.

Add company
logos on images

Include prospects' company logos automatically in your campaign to send really tailored messages.

Add website & LinkedIn
profile screenshots

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the standard.

One-click landing
page setup

Get the highest-converting landing pages possible possible printing and typesetting industry.

Personal landing page
for each prospect

Boost up your clickratesAdd the prospect’s name, company, job title or any other text to an .

100+ quick-to-use templates

Get the highest-converting landing pages possible possibles. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing.

Embed calendars &
sales videos

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the standard.

Visual Personalization will grow your Business

Save time. Meet more people. Earn more money.

Faster Personalization

Save 1 hour per list with magic list cleaning & 4 hours with personalization on scale

More replies & meetings

Higher engagement with your emails means more people visit your landing page.

Increased sales

More meetings booked means an increased
likelihood of converting them into real customers.

Do You Run An Outbound Agency?
If so, let’s book a free product tour

If you run Email & Linkedin automation campaigns for your clients let’s book a free product tour
where we’ll show you how PandaHook would work for your business & clients.

Try PandaHook for 7 days

Full access. No credit card required.

Experience Visual

We will send a test mail to your inbox so you can experience automatic Visual Personalization

PandaHook Live Demo

Find out how to get started with PandaHook